March 7, 2013

Reminders for Adults Who Care for Grieving Children

Kids Path Grief Counselor 

It may be helpful for the whole family to grieve openly together. Children will need to understand that tears are okay. Assure them that it is healthy for you to cry and that when they express sadness, it does not make our sorrow worse. The best way for us to deal with children is with honesty and by using simple, easily understood answers. Listed below are a few reminders to keep in mind for anyone who cares for grieving children.

child sad

  • Children may grieve in spurts, crying one moment and then laughing the next.
  • Grief is a very complex process for everyone, and it is the hardest work any of us will ever do.
  • Remember to acknowledge the grief of children.
  • Let children know that talking about death or even acting out the death is okay.
  • Assure kids that their grief is not forgotten or overlooked.
  • Remember that the grief children experience is just as significant as that of an adult.
  • Don’t delay in talking about what has happened.
  • Encourage children to talk about the death immediately.
  • They may need to go over their feelings or certain events many times.
  • It is the telling and retelling of the stories of loss that causes healing to begin.
  • The best way for adults to deal with children is with honesty and by using simple, easily understood answers.
  • Show your love and support to children after a loss. They need to be assured that even when you are sad, you still love and care about them.